Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a posse of skaters known as EMBARKO's Most Blunted. This ragtag group of skaters lived to skate at the Embarcadero in San Francisco. Being very territorial it was never a good idea for outsiders to skate at EMB unless they had mad skills. These outsiders were referred to as "T-Dogs" and usually had their skateboard stolen from them and were immediately chased from EMB screaming.
I was prompted to write this ode to EMB after getting back talking to my sweetie Frisco Cole, who is currently serving time in San Luis Obispo. Cole pretty much introduced me to this crazy group and they played a role in my life for a long time. From Lil Geez, who will always have my heart, to James Kelch and his crazy self. All the boys (and girls) of the EMB era have stayed with me over the years. We all seem to have kids now and live tamer lives but will always be family.


The SLAM a.k.a. Nic

Thursday, November 20, 2008


My cat, my friend, my solace, my Kobe is dead. How I wish that things had been so different for you. I remember the day I brought you home in a box and you were scratching and clawing your way out. I was alone. I had just lost my baby and broke up with my boyfriend. You were there for me. When I cried you licked my face. When I was depressed you sat on my lap and purred. You were my best friend. Then you ran away for 2 weeks and the animal control made me get you fixed. You never really were the same after that. You were always Kobe but not quite the same spunk. Then as the years went by you developed asthma and I did everything I could for you. The shots, the medicines, the inhalers; all temporary relief. You suffered but you still gave all your love to everyone you met. Every cat hater that met you loved you right away. Something about you. Your loyalty. When Nevan was born you sat under his swing and kept guard. You also sat under him when he was eating, hoping for some scraps. LOL!! You loved food like nobodies business. You fat fluff ball. Well, Nevan came along and he had his own health issues and suddenly you took back seat. I couldn't afford to take you both to the doctor. I didn't know what to do. I felt horrible. I really hope you know that. I feel horrible. You suffered more. Nothing could ease your pain. I know you are better now. I brushed you today; before Gideon buries you. It felt good. I kept thinking that I heard you purring. My imagination. I thought you might snap out of it. But you were stiff and dead. I just want you to know that you were such a fucking awesome cat!!!! I really love you and always will. Nothing can replace you KOBE.

Love forever,
Your Mom

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hello Friends,
I am sorry that I have not written in so long, but I just didn't know how to tell ya'll that I quit derby. It was a very difficult choice for me to make. Everyone says that when it happens to them and it sounds so cliche, so here's another one for ya, I have an empty spot in my heart. I really feel lost without derby, but it had to be done. Ya know when you're at that point in your life and you have this HUGE commitment and you just can't do it anymore? Well, that was me, and here I am. I have not put my skates on in about a month and they are very sad and upset with me. I am sad too. The goal is to move on from here to the next faze in my life, which is already here. I don't have too much to say about it right now. Most of my good friends already know the dealio- so I see no reason to share it with the cyberworld. Let's just say for now it's all good. Someday I will put my skates back on and skate with passion (as Olive always says). Bye MRD. Bye Roller Derby. I hope we will meet again.

Monday, October 6, 2008


This is an early birthday present to my bitch KELLI KRUSHHER. I wrote this song for you baby and you have to imagine the music to "BEAT IT" playing in the back ground.
She may be bad, she may kick you in the face
She’s really sweet but she’ll put you in your place
Her hair is kinda wild and her spirit pretty loose
It’s Kelli – Kelli – Krusher - Krusher
Kelli – Kelli – Krusher - Krusher
She rocks the pole and is down for a dance off
She’ll lose control you better watch your pants
Her style is wicked and she’ll put you in a trance
It’s Kelli – Kelli – Krusher - Krusher
Kelli – Kelli – Krusher – Krusher
You look around you don’t see anything
Are you on drugs cause you’re hallucinating
You hear a noise behind you and you slowly turn around
It’s Kelli – Kelli – Krusher - Krusher
Kelli – Kelli – Krusher – Krusher

You pissed her off and now you better watch your back
She’s on her skates and she won’t put up with no crap
Her eyes are on fire you’re about to shit in your pants
It’s Kelli – Kelli – Krusher - Krusher
Kelli – Kelli – Krusher – Krusher


Sunday, September 28, 2008


So much to say about this bout. The number on the scoreboard at the end of the game made no difference to the girls from New Hampshire. They look at every skating opportunity as a growing experience and are the best losers I've every met. No really, not a single one was upset about the loss and they all came to the after party and had a blast. It is rare to meet girls so humble and willing to learn. For me the true winners of this game were the ones who tried their hardest from NH. This leads me to ponder a particular conundrum in the skating community. Girls who skate and skate and push themselves to the point of no return and girls who skate for the absolute passion of the game. Obviously there is a crossover of skaters who fit both categories but I think it is so important to remember that we are all in love with the same sport and sometimes the winners are not the winners at all. When we played Montreal last time these girls came to the after party and seriously taught us some skills on the dance floor. They were decked out in the sickest 80's gear and seriously busted out mad break dancing moves on the floor. They were fun and real. I just want to thank all of the woman who work so hard to make this sport safe and fun.

On another note, SLAM is sidelined again due to ANOTHER injury. This is what happens when you over train. It just takes a toll on your poor body. Now I have trochnateris bursitus of the hip which is going to require some cortisone injections in my hip. Uhhgg!! Hope to be back on skates soon but for now I'm down for chillin' with my Slamito.

So for now I will leave you with love to NHRD:
Chicana Bruzya (Where the hell did you go?)
Hazel (You so remind me of Molly Ringwald)
Empress (I'm so happy we got to talk)
Pammy D (the dancing queen)
Dee Stortion (hope you injuries heal soon)
Kelli Krusher (I friggin' love you)
Tank'D (What can I say, you the shiz)
Irate Pirate (Thanks for reading my blog. LOL!)
Bass Ass Mama (You're badass and I miss having you for a drill partner)
Rosie (you're my hero)
Bettie off Dead (hope your bum is feeling better soon)
May B. Knotty (Che rules and you're sweet)
Scarley Davidson (I know your league will miss you so much. Good luck!!)
Ruby Hooligan (Good luck on your ventures, keep us posted)
Twiggy too (shit, thanks for the pics baby)
Antics (missed you)
Shit, there are so many of you fabulous ladies, if I forgot anyone I am so sorry. You all rock!!


Monday, September 8, 2008


Well my dear friends, my short stint with NHRD has come to an end. I would like to say that have nothing but love for all of those girls. My time spent there was amazing and fun but gas and time just could not meet the attendance requirements. So yes, I am back with MRD. Everyone is scrimmaging now so it is an entirely new game. I haven't really skated yet because the All Star Team is getting ready for a bout against Montreal this weekend. I am sure the event will prove to be riveting. The Montreal girls were at RollerCon but I didn't really get a chance to see them play. I spent Friday rolling around on skates in the Old Port promoting for the event. It was fun but those sidewalks are merciless. Punchy has informed me that I will be doing stats for this bout, which brings me great happiness. The thought of another bout at the Merch table did not bring good feelings. Although I love meeting all of the fans and talking to them about Roller Derby, I have been wanting to tackle stats for a long time. So anywho, sorry this is such a short update but your girl SLAM has gotta bring home the butta.



Monday, August 11, 2008


*Our matching friendship tattoos

It is 5 am and my BFF and I have not slept. Nicole, who I have named Nikita Knockabitch, and I decide to go to Margaritaville for breakfast. We are the first people there so we get the best balcony seats and the freshest Bloody Mary's. The streets of Vegas are mostly dead and a semi-cool breeze make the entire scene perfect. I look across the street and see Pure, the nightclub of the rich and famous. Nicole is frantically looking for her wallet and we realize that we lost my camera too. Fuckin' a! Nicole shortly finds her wallet under a napkin but the camera is lost forever. All those memories, gone. No, they will stay with us forever and become another one of those stories we laugh about the next time we see eachother. FUCKIT! I had so many plans for this day, WFTDA workshops, skating at some point, but the fatigue is hitting us softly. After our meal I convince Nicole to walk over to Pure with me. "If they let Kevin Federline in, they'll have to let me in", I say to Nicole. She really does not want to go over there but I drag her. We find a security guard who tells us that the line starts at 4 pm and doors open at 10. He asks if we were planning on waiting all day. Yeah right!! "I just thought rich people partied into the morning", I mumble. Oh well, guess it's time to go to bed. Nicole's husband will be here soon and we have to get some shut eye before he comes to take us out to eat again. We get to my room and I crash hard only to have to wake up in an hour and a half. Poor Nicole was too tired to sleep. Once again, the message comes, I'm here.

We drag ourselves downstairs and there is Gary waiting for us. Nicole and I try to act normal but my act will soon fall apart without some coffee. We follow Gary to an uber swanky restaurant and at this point I think I start muttering to myself because Gary and Nicole are laughing at me and I'm not sure why. More Bloody Mary's, more food, more coffee, uhhggg...I feel like I am going to explode. I have decided to ditch RollerCon for sleep and head to my room to start packing. It takes me FOREVER to pack because my stuff is scattered all over the place. Finally I meet Nicole and Gary at the bar and they are swilling drinks. The bartender offers me a drink and I beg for water. We decide to head for their hotel. I am not sure what it is called but it is shaped like a huge pyramid and is decorated in Egyptian style. Oddly enough I run into my girl Andy Nihilate from Pioneer Valley Roller Derby at their hotel on the other side of town. Andy and I first met about a year ago when our league played hers. She ended up staying at my house and we bonded over our sons who are about the same age. Andy and her boyfriend Jay, from the band The Prozacs got married while at RollerCon this year. I guess that's what Vegas is for. I talk to Andy and Jay for a little while and introduce them to Gary and Nicole. "It is so cool how you have this derby community and know people from everywhere", Nicole says to me. I had never really thought about it but now that I do it is pretty kickass to know that I have derby girls all over the world.

Roller Derby is such a bigger community than your own league. RollerCon helped me to see this and put it all in context. It is not just you as a single skater, or you as a league, it is all of us in this together. New Hampshire Roller Derby has helped me to see this too. We have skaters from other leagues come and teach us stuff I never knew and we form friendships with our would be opponents. It is a family, a family I am happy to be a part of.

This is pretty much where my adventure ended. I caught my plane on time and came home to my other family, with thoughts of skating still lingering in my head. I am so happy that I never gave up all the times I wanted to. Thank you Joanie Weston, Leo Seltzer, Ann Calvello, WFTDA, Texas Rollergirls, and all of you who brought Roller Derby to life, you know who you are.

Signing out,
Vivala SLAM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

RollerCon: Day Two


Wake up with a hangover but nothing some greasy food and a cup of coffee can't handle. My teammates and I are suppose to meet at the coffee shop at 10:30a so that is perfect. I get to the coffee shop and no fucking greasy food, just muffins and shit. Damn, plan foiled. The majority of my team is already there and we pretty much stare into space until eventually we decide to talk strategy. Lesson #1: Every league does things differently. I have my ideas and everyone else has theirs. Although I am the Captain I am too tired to argue. It's just for fun, one girl says, we'll just figure it out as we go, chimes in another. Keep in mind, we have NEVER skated together before and although the "Birth Control Betties" claim to be a thrown together group of girls from Denver's Oil City, I know that will not be the case. I prepare for the worst and nurse my hangover with some nasty coffee. Alright ladies, let's do this. We head for the shuttle stop and I watch Mel Practice roll around in the dirt. I already love this girl. She is so fuckin' "I don't give a shit". My type a chick. And, she's a clown for a living. I so hate clowns but that IS dope. Anyway, the double decker bus pulls up and we all load on. Driving through Vegas on a double decker bus is definitely the way to go. Soon enough we pull up to the indoor hockey arena and head inside. Oh God, I feel like I need to shit or puke. I smoke a butt in hopes of bringing on whatever is coming but nothing helps. So I head for the water machine (THANK GOD) gets tons of water and start pounding it until my lips no longer stick together and I can swallow without chocking on my tongue.
As soon as I see our opponents and their bench coach I'm like, Oh fuck. These girls are huge. We quickly recruit or own bench coach and I thank the lord for Sadistic Sadie of the Cincinnati Ohio Roller Girls. She jams with the best of them and doesn't even want help from our blockers. We all jam at some point but she scores the most points. I have never seen girls play like Oil City. I get an elbow to the lip and it splits open. Mel Practice has the entire left side of her face swollen. Those who shall remain unmentioned spend the majority of the bout in the penalty box but when she is released her elbows are EVERYWHERE!! I have never been so angry playing roller derby. I really want to kick some ass and later that night when I saw one of the Refs out drinking I corner her and I'm all "what the fuck"? She responds with, I'm new, I don't really know. According to WFTDA 4 majors or 5 trips to the penalty box, per period, for a two period game are considered ecxessive and exsessive penalities result in expulsion. Now I know this was all for fun, but shit!! We only played for 30 minutes and she was in the box more than 5 times. Meanwhile we're getting our faces smashed in. Anyway, moving on.

I go back to my room and take a nap after picking up some Merch. I don't get too much. My best purchase is 4 issues of Blood and Thunder and some frilly pink panties. Ya never know when you'll need frilly pink panties and since my new league's colors are pink it seems like a good idea. Well I wake up from napping like three hours later, look at my watch and almost shit myself. FUCK!! How could I sleep so long. My BFF Nicole is going to be here any second. I jump up at the same moment my phone rings, "Mamas? I'm here".
From here it all becomes a blur. Let me just say that we lost the camera from that night, woke up with new tattoos and there was some spin the bottle and tittie action in there somewhere. It's just like they say "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". Until those pictures end up on the internet.

Personal Disclaimer: I think the worst thing I did was trying to teach the bartender how to do the Plank in a very tight pencil skirt. I cannot speak for those who will remain unmentioned.




I step out of my blissfully air conditioned hotel room to be molested by a wave of heat. I almost turn around and go right back in my room but the knowledge of what's waiting for me keeps me moving. Ok, first stop, registration. First off I must say that the Imperial Palace is one big maze and the fact that I found registration in under 20 minutes is beyond amazing. I approach a corridor filled with derby girls of all different shapes, sizes, accents, and hair styles. Plain and simple, it is a derby girls dream. I pull out my USARS and ID and I am promptly handed a bright orange RollerCon sticker and told to put it on my helmet. DONE!
Next stop: Back to my room, if I can ever find it, to get my skate gear for the next skate workshop. Where the fuck is my room? I wander endlessly. Soon it's almost 1:30pm and I locate the piece of crap and gather all my gear for some beatings from Bonnie D. Stroir. For those of you not knowing, Bonnie is one ill ass skater. She is the founder of the San Diego Derby Dolls and to take a class with her was more than I could have hoped for. The lesson for the day was Tricky Whips and a lot of backwards skating. I loved it and learned some sneakiness that I will use on you one day. All of the girls skating were loving it and falling all over the place. It was too awesome.
After class I was beat from the heat and decided to try to find my room, AGAIN!! Ten years later I dropped my gear off and decided to try to find someone with some authority. Word had been spreading that our challenge bout had been rescheduled for who knows when or where. By the time I got to the lobby I was so beat I decided to sit in a comfy seat by the bar and treat myself to a Margarita. Relaxation, finally. Oddly enough a posse of the girls from my team, TEAM MILF, all ended up in the same bar and we took over for a while. The word on the street was that our challenge against the Birth Control Betties had been rescheduled for the following day at 12:30pm. Fine, whatever, what was my next move. Hmmnnn...

After some pondering and finishing my drink I decided to head for Iron Horse Tattoo and get some ink. I decided on a flying roller skate designed by "Sexy Rick" (seriously, that is what his card says), who is not too sexy but super nice. Chris is the true sexiness but we will have to get into that later as that is an entire different story. Moving on. For some obscene reason I thought it would be an awesome idea to walk all the way back to the hotel. DUMB!!! The heat must have gone to my head because the strip looked close but it was just a mirage, and I'm no talking about the Hotel.

At the room again and I decide to take a bath because my shin splints are killing me from walking 50 million miles in 110 degree heat. God I'ma dumbass. After my bath and some lie down time I pick myself up again and head down to the bar. The minute I get down there I run into my Mamas from back in the day, JO MAMA of Jo Show Promotions and a retired Derby Doll. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Jo Mama knows she is completely off the friggin' chain. From the moment I saw her it was pure chaos. Jo Mama and I go WAY back. We use to tour with the Grateful Dead and then she lived in my apartment in San Francisco for awhile. So she's introducing me to everyone and their Mother as friggin' Blossom from Dead Tour. I swear I wanted to kick her ass so bad. Then, let's not forget dear little Pippy, Jo Show's BFF but I stole her and now she's my BFF. She tried to corrupt me all night but I was good and went to bed by 2am. Oh dear. Stay tuned for day 2.

Monday, July 28, 2008


In ode to my new derby family I have changed my blog to the color pink. I know, it's so un-SLAM but I must now grasp it and love it like these superbad chicks that I'll be skating with. Yes, the drive will be dreadful but it will be so worth it to skate and have fun. These girls made me feel welcome from the moment I got there. It is really exciting to be given a fresh opportunity with girls so new to derby. It will be a totally different dynamic and I'm already in love with Dee Stortion and Tank'd girl (see left to right). I can't fuckin' wait for this new page in the journey of Vivala SLAM.
Next time I see ya'll it will be with my crazy RollerCon stories.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


TEAM MILF is so on!!!! And yours truly is the Captain. We still don't know when we're playing but whenever it is it will be the shiz!! I am hella psyched to play with different girls from all over. Some of these girls are vets. I will post our roster.
Vivala SLAM #187 - Captain
Stormy Trooper #333-Co Captain
Tyra Durden #8 - Manager
Mel Practice NC+ 17
Sadistic Sadie #76
Shamrock n. Roller #8
Evil Angel #44
Sista Slitchya #5
Smokin Enjen #1-3-8-9
Kat OTIC #512
Emile Vabruis #312
Malevolent #789

All I can say is the Birth Control Betties better watch out cause the MILFS are on FIAAAA!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

RollerCon Here I Come

Less than 2 months and I will be in dirty 'ol Vegas, skatin' with some badass derby chicks. I cannot friggin' wait YO!! It will be so hella sweet to meet all new people and learn totally new tricks. I do live in Maine but we all know West is the Best. No Doubt. I would pick up and move right this second if I could. So let's see, 5 days in Sin City skatin' it up and drinkin' it down. It will be just like tour days, straight takin' over the town. HAHAHA!! So here's the deal:
Workshops everyday
On skates training everyday
Open scrimmage every night from 8p-12a
Bars galore
Now if only I can get my mamas Nicole Part2 to come we'll be all set. Vegas would be a blast anyway but with her it would be a super blast. I have started a get SLAM to Rollercon beg-a-thon so hopefully all of my sistas will show me some 5derby love. Till next time.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008


As promised, here are a few pics from the Boston scrimmage. Nothing too exciting so don't get all crazy. I am the cute one. HAHA. No, really. So I went to see the Sports Doctor guy and he says I have Traumatic Patello Femoral Syndrome, otherwise known as Runner's Knee. He said that as long as I keep falling on it, it is not going to go away. Oh my. So I met with a trainer today and we are going to work on strengthening my quads and hamstrings so that I can have better knee support. He's going to kick my ass and I'm going to love every minute of it damnit!! I went to the try-outs and although I was sad I was proud of my girls for giving it thier all. There is an official B Team now and the first bout is June 7th. They will be playing the Providence Killah Bees. In all honesty, I think this is all for the best. I still feel I need more scrimmaging time so I can kick ass with confidence. Some girls just start playing bouts after 4 months of training but I am not about that. I want to be on my game and not look like an idiot. Hopefully when I do get teamed I get more than 2 seconds of play time. I am hoping my trainer can help me with those big bursts of energy needed to get around the bitches in my way or catch back up to the pack with the quickness. I am totally stepping up my training and I am pretty excited about it. As always I will keep you guys updated. Your determined little engine. SLAM.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Derailed and depressed. Scrimmaged last night and the first double knee fall made me want to cry. So the time has come for me to pull myself from scrimmaging, reluctantly. I am not a happy camper but what can I do? This is life and life throws us unexpected curve balls. I remember thinking one time how happy I was that I didn't have any knee problems. It seemed like everyone on the league had knee problems of one kind or another. I probably should have gotten new knee pads then. But I was cocky and didn't think it would happen to me. My knees were strong. I work in disability. I should know better. As I sit here icing my knee, and reflecting on the recent events, all I can do is wait as my teammates pass me by. I am really good at feeling sorry for myself. Can you tell? I will try to be more positive and think of this time as a period to work on strenghtening my core and endurance and not putting my knee through too much. At least I can walk and run. I can even skate, just not fall. So things could be worse, right? Buck up kiddo and deal with it. Yes, I am talking to myself now. I will keep you all posted but I can assure you that Vivala SLAM will not be bouting this season. The Calamity Janes will be skating without me and I will be cheering them on from the sidelines.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My wifey is so lovely with her chicken wings tattoo
Her shyness is so endearing and wicked cute too
You are so unassuming and humble naturally
I wish I was more like you, my darling wifey
Another year has passed and you are skating once again
Lucky for me your back because I have a new killer friend
You get so excited sometimes and you smile a lot too
Like when I proposed to you at Big Easy and we had a shot or two
I love it when you mess with your hair and try out crazy styles
Especially when you do the poof on top and rock the eyeliner
Your style is pretty sweet it just cannot be beat
You go from pajamas to glam in a like a minute flat
So when you think of your birthday, my dear
Forget the IRS and all that mess
Think about how loved you are
You really are the best

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I don't know why but I have been having major problems logging into my blog. Finally I am here and hopefully this post cooperates. Yes, spring is in the air, FINALLY. My god, I thought winter would never be over. I spent last weekend gardening and cleaning up the yard. I actually got a tan. Praise the lord!! I also busted out my outdoor skates (read: crappy skates) and tried my best to fix 'em all up. I put my outdoor wheels on them, taped them up nice and good, put in brand new laces, and we're good to go. I haven't actually skated outside yet but plan to soon, especially after an evil, hour long walk over the weekend. I just don't feel right without wheels on my feet. The sad news is that "The Slam" has a knee injury and scrimmaging is not coming easily. The even sadder news is that next Monday is tryouts for the B Team and my knee is still fracked (the censored version of the F word). If I have any hopes of playing this season this is my last chance. I am trying not to get too upset about it all but I must admit that I am having a tough time of it. I am finally within reach of my goals and I feel it all slipping through my fingers. Well, if all else fails, at least I have the summer and outdoor skating. The major problem for my knee is high impact falls. OUCH!! These are not really the falls where I'm hit but more the ones that are unexpected, ie... wheels locking with another player. These falls send me flying and never end well. The irony is that it is never during scrimmage that these falls occur. It is always when someone trips me, just skating around, because they suck. Just kidding. They don't suck but it does blow. Arhhgg!! My inner pirate comes out when I feel like this. I will let you all know what happens after tryouts. Please think of me on Monday and send good vibes to my knee.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Oh my goodness. I am a bad little blogger. I am so sorry that I have kept you all breathlessly anticipating my next post. Scrimmaging is kicking my ass. We had our first srimmage against Boston this past weekend. Those are some tough chicks! They are so sweet off the track and the minute the whistle blows the sweetness is replaced by hard hits and me on my ass!! It was a good learning experience for me, for sure. I got so use to scrimmaging my own league that I was caught off gaurd by something new. When I scrimmage my own team I know exactly what to expect. I know everyones weaknesses and strengths. I know exactly what I need to do, although I may not always be able to execute it. We are now practicing and bouting at the Portland Expo. The floors at the Expo are hella slippery. I think I am going to have to get grippier wheels. I promise to keep you all updated and I will try to write more.


P.S. If I find some pics from the Boston Scrimmage I will post them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So this is the most glorious of glorious days, I must say (if you don't watch old skool SNL you won't get that). Moving on. The Slam has been moved up to scrimmaging with the hopes of playing on the Calamity Janes this fall. Excitement is not even the word to describe this feeling. The thought that I will probably be bouting this fall is so amazing. I know that I will have to step up my endurance, focus and overall game. I am so ready to get the shit kicked out of me. Speaking of that, we were playing Queen of the Rink Yesterday. I love this game. What happens is everyone skates and tries to hit people out of bounds. If you fall or go out of bounds you're out. The last one standing is "Queen of the Rink". So our league recently decided to have our refs participate in drills. They cannot hit us but we can hit them (hahahaha). So I'm skating along hitting people and I come up to one of the refs, who is super tall, and hit him. His arms go flailing trying to steady himself so he doesn't fall. Now a derby girl knows the golden rule is "arms in". We try our best and of course the refs just started doing contact, I get all that. But anywho, when I hit him his arm flew into my face and smashed my nose. OUCH!! I fell to the ground holding my nose in pain. I have never really been hit in the nose so I didn't know how much it smarts. It is not too swollen but still hurts wicked bad. Lesson learned. Don't hit the refs. HAHAHA! How often do you get to hit a boy though? Argghh! A girls arm to the grill does not hurt half as much. So this Saturday is my first scrimmage and I think I might poop my pants. Stay tuned for more.

Monday, January 28, 2008


This picture just about sums up why I love Heath Ledger. FUCK YOU TO THE WORLD!!


So I had a short stint of MySpace addiction and now the powers that be have cut me , and presumably everyone else, off. That so sucks ass!! It was so cool to actually talk to people that I haven't talked to in days - and to see their pics and friends and all that fucking crap that's been cut off from me. CALM DOWN NICOLE. Deep breath in. Slow breath out. Well, now that my MySpace stint is over it is back to blogging. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Who the hell cares what I have to say? If you do than you're an idiot. Just kidding. LOVE YOU. God, I feel like I'm talking to my husband.

What's new lately? I still have not come to terms with the death of Heath Ledger. GOD, it's so unreal. I know he's not a family member or anything but I loved him. Not in a psycho way but in a he's so fucking cool and doesn't give a shit about Hollywood way. I love the above pic of him and Michelle standing by their pool flicking off the paparazzi and Heath holding the Fuck Off sign. He lived in Brooklyn too, not LA or Malibu or some crap. He lived in Park Slope. Now I use to live in the next neighborhood over, which is Sunset Park, and I can tell you that it is not the best off areas to live. Point in case, I had to move after getting robbed. Mostly though I feel sad for his daughter, Matilda, and Michelle. Growing up without parents I know how much it sucks!

The pic above is Heath from Lords of Dogtown. I friggin' loved him in that movie. But I am a total skate betty so I would've loved it anyway. I thought he was Val Kilmer at first.