Sunday, September 28, 2008


So much to say about this bout. The number on the scoreboard at the end of the game made no difference to the girls from New Hampshire. They look at every skating opportunity as a growing experience and are the best losers I've every met. No really, not a single one was upset about the loss and they all came to the after party and had a blast. It is rare to meet girls so humble and willing to learn. For me the true winners of this game were the ones who tried their hardest from NH. This leads me to ponder a particular conundrum in the skating community. Girls who skate and skate and push themselves to the point of no return and girls who skate for the absolute passion of the game. Obviously there is a crossover of skaters who fit both categories but I think it is so important to remember that we are all in love with the same sport and sometimes the winners are not the winners at all. When we played Montreal last time these girls came to the after party and seriously taught us some skills on the dance floor. They were decked out in the sickest 80's gear and seriously busted out mad break dancing moves on the floor. They were fun and real. I just want to thank all of the woman who work so hard to make this sport safe and fun.

On another note, SLAM is sidelined again due to ANOTHER injury. This is what happens when you over train. It just takes a toll on your poor body. Now I have trochnateris bursitus of the hip which is going to require some cortisone injections in my hip. Uhhgg!! Hope to be back on skates soon but for now I'm down for chillin' with my Slamito.

So for now I will leave you with love to NHRD:
Chicana Bruzya (Where the hell did you go?)
Hazel (You so remind me of Molly Ringwald)
Empress (I'm so happy we got to talk)
Pammy D (the dancing queen)
Dee Stortion (hope you injuries heal soon)
Kelli Krusher (I friggin' love you)
Tank'D (What can I say, you the shiz)
Irate Pirate (Thanks for reading my blog. LOL!)
Bass Ass Mama (You're badass and I miss having you for a drill partner)
Rosie (you're my hero)
Bettie off Dead (hope your bum is feeling better soon)
May B. Knotty (Che rules and you're sweet)
Scarley Davidson (I know your league will miss you so much. Good luck!!)
Ruby Hooligan (Good luck on your ventures, keep us posted)
Twiggy too (shit, thanks for the pics baby)
Antics (missed you)
Shit, there are so many of you fabulous ladies, if I forgot anyone I am so sorry. You all rock!!



Irate Pirate said...

It was very awesome to see you Slam. Hope we continue to see you now and then and at Bouts.

Get that Hip rested and ready... and we will see you around the Rink!


Nicole @ GROW said...

No doubt. I will be back on skates soon and skating my heart out. When you get closer I will come skate with ya'll.


Tank'D Girl said...


You rock my socks and have my heart. You are amazing! And I love you!!

Thanks for showing some NH love!!


Nicole @ GROW said...

Love you too!!