Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So this is the most glorious of glorious days, I must say (if you don't watch old skool SNL you won't get that). Moving on. The Slam has been moved up to scrimmaging with the hopes of playing on the Calamity Janes this fall. Excitement is not even the word to describe this feeling. The thought that I will probably be bouting this fall is so amazing. I know that I will have to step up my endurance, focus and overall game. I am so ready to get the shit kicked out of me. Speaking of that, we were playing Queen of the Rink Yesterday. I love this game. What happens is everyone skates and tries to hit people out of bounds. If you fall or go out of bounds you're out. The last one standing is "Queen of the Rink". So our league recently decided to have our refs participate in drills. They cannot hit us but we can hit them (hahahaha). So I'm skating along hitting people and I come up to one of the refs, who is super tall, and hit him. His arms go flailing trying to steady himself so he doesn't fall. Now a derby girl knows the golden rule is "arms in". We try our best and of course the refs just started doing contact, I get all that. But anywho, when I hit him his arm flew into my face and smashed my nose. OUCH!! I fell to the ground holding my nose in pain. I have never really been hit in the nose so I didn't know how much it smarts. It is not too swollen but still hurts wicked bad. Lesson learned. Don't hit the refs. HAHAHA! How often do you get to hit a boy though? Argghh! A girls arm to the grill does not hurt half as much. So this Saturday is my first scrimmage and I think I might poop my pants. Stay tuned for more.

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