Friday, December 7, 2007


It is not even Winter yet and I already have the blues. I feel like I've been cut off from society ever since I started working from home. This 2 month break from Derby is killing me. I am about to become one with my chair since my butt has not moved in days. For those of you without children: Enjoy it while you can. You will never have time to yourself again. At least not until your child starts school anyway. I miss getting drunk during the day and wishing I had something to do. I miss burning the Thanksgiving Turkey because my friends and I were so high we forgot about it. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE being a Mom, it is the most awesome gift I have ever been given. I am just saying, enjoy your freedom now my friends. I wish I could afford a Nannie. I would be like, "I'm going shopping now Nannie, see you in two hours" or "We're going out with our friends Nannie, see you in the morning". All the Moms feel me on this, I know it. For some reason we ended up with parents who never want to babysit. DAMMIT!!

At least we actually have snow outside this year. It will be a white Christmas after all. I hate it when it's cold but there is no snow. What a drag. Well my friends, I have to get to my crappy job. LOVE YOU ALL AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS......yada, yada, yada.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could get Drunk without my mom being there.

Nicole @ GROW said...

DUDE....that is so deep.